Featured Treasures with Unique Stories

Antique Verge Fusee Earrings

These earrings feature the oldest components I've collected.  The pierced, gilded brass circles started life back in the late 1700's as a verge cover (dust covers) for the inside of an 18th century pocket watch. Truly one-of-a-kind!

Antique Buttons

Necklaces, earrings and bracelets featuring unique closures rescued from button jars and junk drawers all over the world. These particular buttons are c. 1890 and feature several riveted cut steel ornaments on a pieced brass with repousee designs.

Faux Cut Steel Necklace

The antique faux cut steel Butterflies in this necklace were once part of an antique belt.  Original cut steels are individually riveted while the components in this piece are stamped, dating it to the early 20th century.  An added bonus -- collar necklaces are now on trend!